When receiving a booking, we will guide you through the process step by step.
Once an owner has contacted you, your booking will move through different stages. You can see what each status means here:
REQUEST - This is when a cat owner first contacts a cat sitter. Please let owners know whether you’re available to do the cat sitting or not within 24hrs by either clicking "Available" or "Decline".
PENDING - This is when a booking requires an action from either the cat sitter or the cat owner. This will be either to confirm a Pre-booking, date or price change.
AVAILABLE - Once a cat sitter has said they are "Available", cat owners will then be able to Book & Pay, this will confirm the booking and validate the Cat in a Flat Guarantee.
BOOKINGS - Here is where you’ll find all your Booked & Paid, current and past bookings.
BOOKED - This means the cat owner has confirmed their booking with you. You can still change the price up to two days before the booking starts if needed.
PAID - Once the money has left the cat owner's account, BOOKED changes to PAID. This should automatically happen a day before the sitting starts. If for some reason this has not happened, please contact us.
DECLINED - Here is where you’ll find all your declined requests. Please take note of our Cancellation Policy
*Please note that inactive and declined bookings will archive after 10 days.
Important: Getting booked and paid through Cat in a Flat is required, per our Terms & Conditions. Never accept cash or an alternative payment —this makes your booking ineligible for our Cat in a Flat Guarantee and 24/7 customer support.
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