I’m a sitter. I need to cancel my booking.

We understand that sometimes cancelling a booking can’t be helped, but please only cancel a confirmed booking if absolutely necessary. As you can imagine, canceling a booking can cause a huge amount of stress for a cat owner who is relying on you to look after their kitty.


Multiple cancellations may result in your removal from our community.

To cancel your Booking or Pre-booking:

  • Please login and go to your inbox. Select the booking you would like to cancel and click the "Decline" link.

  • When declining, please send the owner a message as to why you can no longer cat sit for them. If you have a genuine reason, most cat owners are very understanding. Please give them as much notice as possible.

  • If you have to cancel a booking that's going to start in 5 days or less, please contact customer support, so that we can help the cat owner find an alternative sitter.

  • WARNING: Issuing a refund yourself through Stripe will result in you losing money in fees.

What else can you do to help?

We pride ourselves in being a lovely community of cat sitters, so if you know another Cat in a Flat sitter in the area please see if they could help.

Alternatively you can suggest to the cat owner that they use the "Job Request" function in their inbox. That way cat sitters in their area will be alerted and the available sitters will get back to them. This would be the quickest and easiest way for them to find someone.

If the cat owner needs to cancel the booking please read here

Cat in a Flat

The Trusted Cat Sitting Community



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