To become a verified cat sitter in our community please upload one of the following documents.
Drivers License
State ID Card
Your name and address must match those on your Cat in a Flat profile.
If your home address is different to what is on your ID, please also include a current
- Domestic bill ( Gas, Electric, Water ) - max 3 months
- Bank Statement - max 3 months
- Current student residency
- Current signed rental agreement
Warning: We do NOT accept expired documents.
Please note: During busy times, profiles can take up to 7 days to be approved.
If you have already had your profile approved, but need to change your address that's no problem. You can submit your updated ID within your profile.
* If you are signing up outside of the US, please check here to see what documents are accepted.
Cat in a Flat
The Trusted Cat Sitting Community
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